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Article of forex trading education: Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis plays an important role in knowing the market movement along with the technical analysis. The trader needs to follow the data issued by the economic indicators with focused attention.

Therefore, the trader must carefully follow this data, recognize the most important fundamental analysis data, and compare past and expected results.

Here are the most important fundamental analysis indicators

  • Interest rate disclosure

The issuance of data on interest rates on currency is very important and works to change currency rates in the forex trading market, as well as the banks that determine the interest value on the currency.

Interest rates are of great importance in order to know the monetary policy and investment once a central bank announces a new interest rate.

  • Consumer Index

CPI is one of the most powerful ways to know the change in retail cost prices for the most-bought baskets. Therefore, these indicators are taken to know the inflation size occurring in the country.

Inflation is directly related to the gaining of currency strength within a country, and this matter affects its position within the international markets. If the economy was to grow under traditional conditions, then a higher shopper index would lead to a rise in base interest rates.

Employment sector indicators

Employment indicators reflect a country’s economic health or community health.

With this knowledge, you will likely know and notice economic activity. As for complicity with the speed of inflation, it is essential to understand the speed of changes and growth in employee wages.

  • Balance of Payments

The balance of payments is the link between payments and the amounts received. In other words, this indicator shows the full addition of foreign trade operations, the trade gap, to achieve a balance between export, import and expenditures. If the amounts returned from alternative countries and international organizations are measured in excess of the external amounts, the balance of expenditures is positive. The surplus could be a positive problem for expanding the national currency.

  • Government monetary policy

One of the goals that governments set is to achieve economic stability, such as reducing the state and dominant inflation and achieving a balance in spending. Governments try to do so by manipulating fiscal and monetary policies. Monetary policy relates to taxes and expenditures, while fiscal policy relates to monetary markets and also to the provision of credit, cash, and alternative monetary bonds.

著者 モハメド・アブデルハリク

プロのトレーダー兼アナリスト、2004 年から金融および外国為替市場のエコノミスト。エジプトのアメリカン大学で MBA を取得。モハメッドは、多くの国際外国為替および金融取引会社で経済ライターおよびテクニカルおよびファンダメンタルズアナリストとして、英語とアラビア語の両方で日々働いています。